Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kirra Elizabeth Cox Born March 1st

OK I am going to get this story down while miss Kirra Bear (what we call her) is sleeping. First let me forewarn for all you people that are not Labor and Delivery nurses this may have TMI for you as I know all my nurse friends want the "real" labor story, messy details and all.

Well it all started Sunday night Feb 26th when I woke up with some stronger than normal contractions. They eventually got so bad I woke Ted up from my moaning in pain. So I did as any LD nurse would tell a pt. wait until they got 5 min apart before going into hospital. They were every 15min and getting stronger but then around 6am they stopped completely. This went on for 2 more nights and some contractions throughout the day but not regular enough to go into hospital. They were so bad Monday night I thought forsure as I went to my Dr. appt Tuesday morning my Dr was going to send me right to the hospital because I would at least be 3-4cm since at my last appt I was already 1cm. So I go in still contracting he checks me and I am 2cm!! I could have died I was so mad. So he lets me decide if I want to go into the hospital that day and get induced or still wait it out. So TEd and I go home decide to wait it out. I have more contractions that day and all night (which means another night of no sleep) we call my mom and she decided to drive down since it seems I'm in early labor. Now my contractions not only are strong all day off and on they are all in my back making it feel like someone is tearing my back apart in 2 different directions. Ted and I call his sister Tami who had back labor really bad with her first baby and the baby was posterior making it a long hard labor and very hard to push out. So I confirm with her the pain I'm feeling in my back and yup we are pretty sure this baby is posterior. As you can tell I'm thrilled at the fact that this baby may be very hard to push out if she doesn't turn. So I try all the know tricks to try to get this baby to turn but the back pain is unbearable. We go into the hospital Wednesday night (the night my Dr is on-call) around 8 and check me and I am 4cm~!~ Finally I say its about time with all these contractions I have been having for 3 freaking days!!! So my DR. comes in at 9pm breaks my water (nice and clear- good!) get the oxytocin started and I'm about ready for my epidural now!! So I get my epidural at 9:30 have an awesome anesthetist (DR, Manson you are amazing) I didn't even feel it, the worst part was being curled up in fetal position feeling like a couldn't breath while he placed the epidural. Seriously I don't know why woman complain about the epidural it was a piece of cake compared to contractions. Also why woman want to go natural I will never understand!! Anyways now I'm comfy can't feel one pain but can still move my legs it was perfect. So since I have an amazing nurse Deb she also thinks this baby is posterior and decides to do all her pressure points to get the baby to rotate by putting me in hands and knees position and pushing on my hip while Ted pushing on the other hip squeezing them together during a contraction to get the baby to turn. We do this for an hour and then she checks me Im now 5cm at midnight. Then she checks me again at 12:30 since I had some blood show and I'm 6cm. Around 2am I'm resting and start to feel some pressure so Deb checks and I'm 9.5cm so she gives my half a top up and just lets the baby come down. Now this was a very busy night as my Dr was running from room to roomdelivering babies that they just wait to have me start pushing because he is not available yet. So at 5am Deb checks me again and Kirra's head is nice and low now and we get the ok to go ahead and start pushing. So at 5:20 I push for the first time and I seriously can't feel anything from the top up of medicine and I feel like I'm not even moving the baby. Deb tells me I am moving her well so we keep pushing. At 5:30 after about 4-5 sets of pushes Deb says STOP Kirra is now sitting right there and time to get Dr. Dr. Victory comes in and says "Wow there is a baby right there" I begin to push again like 3 times and Dr. coaches me to push only little bits to try to prevent me from tearing. Unfortunately I tore from her shoulders coming out. And then out she comes Kirra Elizabeth Cox born at 5:44am March 1st crying before she is even all out. They put her up on my tummy right away and I loose it. I have waiting for this little girl for so many years and now she is finally in my arms. I tell her I love her so much and then I turn to Ted. He is crying too at he sight of his little girl. Ted cuts the cord and they take her and weigh her at 6lbs 120z. She is so tiny I can't believe it. They giver her back to me and put her skin to skin. I loved every minute of the experience, it was perfect. Everything went so smooth and beautiful and I didn't watch the monitor like a hawk like I thought I would and her heart rate was perfect the entire time. I couldn't have asked for a better labor team my husband, mom and my Dr and nurses were all great. I'm so grateful for a healthy baby I love being with her even at 3am! She truly is a miracle and blessing in our lives. Thank you to everyone for your many prayers for our baby Kirra.

Many pictures to follow- sorry proud momma here.

My last picture pregnant right before we went to hospital if my face looks mad its because I have been in pain now for 3 days!
In hospital getting ready to go.

Deb trying to turn the baby with Teds help! Me pretending to be in pain even though I have my epidural at this point! Selling the picture. It was funny that the girl next door to me was going natural and when Ted heard hear scream the first couple of times he couldn't control his laughter he thought he was in the movies!!!
Right after she was born
First family picture
Daddy holding her for first time

My amazing labor team!

Leaving hospital family of 3~

We sent this pic to Daddy in class

Daddy playing with Kirra's big lips


Heather said...

oh Meg....your story makes me bawl!!!!so thrilled everything went so well for you, you deserve a good delivery more than anybody I know xo

Tami said...

love this! every time i talked to you guys i kept meaning to ask the most important question to Teddy - "did you cry??" ha. and you answered it. thank you! and i LOVE the nickname Kirra Bear. like carebear! so cute. and Meg - while the pre-labor part sucked, you really did get pretty lucky with the actual delivery. that is fast and fairly easy for a first baby, especially one that was posterior at some point. my first was SUCH a nightmare. i'm surprised i didn't swear off ever doing it again. and yes agreed - long live a good epidural. :) we've had screaming neighbors in the past too... (shudder).

Sar(Mrs.Teddy) said...

COngrats again Megan! Your birth story made me tear up, and makes me eager to meet my new little one! I'm glad you had a wonderful experience! What night isn't busy when YOUR doctor is on!? LOL She is gorgeous!

Barbara said...

What a great story!! Loved the details! Love a happy ending. Beautiful pictures. And Megan, you look great and pretty doggone skinny leaving the hospital. We are so grateful for more modern miracles that I know Heavenly Father is the author of. Can't wait to visit and actually hold Kirra!!
Gma Cox

susi and adam said...

Awe that was so great to read. Gave me goosebumps and im just so happy for you guys! She is so stinkin cute! Cant wait to meet her:) you guys are very blessed

Brittany along with Kyle said...

Oh i'm sooo happy for you! Congrats again. I'm sure you two are the best parents. :) I can't wait to meet her.

Stephanie said...

I'm so happy everything went well! I didn't mind getting up with my baby at 3 am either (at first) - it was so nice to just hold and cuddle my baby! She's a beautiful baby! Congrats!!!!!!

Joanne said...

So happy for you guys! Can't wait to meet her. One of my first questions to Ted (Tami) was "did you cry?" He said..No comment :) I thought to better have cried! So yea..I was one of those ones that wanted to do natural labor with Dylan but it was definitely a phase and I can't believe I ever tried that! That's why HF invented drugs!!! :) Congrats you guys..she's beautiful!

Sonja said...

She is so beautiful. We call our Connor...Connor Bear!! Congrats. Enjoy your sweet little girl. We can't wait to meet her.