Thursday, February 9, 2012

3 weeks to go

Well I can't believe that I only have 3 weeks to go. This pregnancy has gone way to fast. I love feeling her moving around and stretch her legs and arms, I'm going to miss that part of being pregnant so much. I do have my moments of aaaahh feeling so uncomfortable but really overall it has been such a wonderful pregnancy and I waited for this for so long I cherish every minute. I can't wait to see what she looks like and if she will have hair, how big she is etc but I really am going to miss having her inside me and have that special bond. At my last Dr appt he said that since I am measuring a week ahead he thinks she is going to be tall like her daddy!!! He guessed she would be a high 7lbs or low 8lbs. I was not thrilled with this obviously and Ted was like why and I said because you don't have to try and push her out!!! Even though I know all the steps and stages of labor what to expect, the edpidurals and c-sections I can say I'm starting to get really nervous. Like am I going to be able to handle the contractions (believe me I am getting an epidural I just want to be at least 3 cm first) who knows if that will really happen. How is baby doing in labor, I will be watching the monitor like a hawk the entire time. I love/hate that I know too much!!! I hope I go into labor on my own but honestly the chances of that happening being my first baby are slim, but I do the stairmaster at the gym to try to get me contracting!! It works but the contractions don't last after I get off. Heres to hoping.

36 weeks
35 weeks


Barbara said...

Loved this post. I loved being pregnant and feel much the same as you. Can't believe 25 days to go!! Why do you think you won't go into labor on your own?? Think the doctor will induce you before you have a chance? And he doesn't want to wait as it is a high risk pregnancy?? In the pictures you look great!! See you all soon!

Laura said...

You are so stinking cute! I can't wait to see your baby :) We should just get Mindy to come up there and help you get into labor- she made it happen for me!

Tami said...

can't believe she's almost here! so excited for u guys to finally be parents! and you are so smart to get the epidural.