Well this last weekend we went camping at Zion's National Park with Ted's parents, his brother Kenny--Jane, his wife--(sung to the tune of "the Jetson's"), and his sister Susi and her family. The boys cooked breakfast on Sunday morning for us all since it was Mother's day. On Saturday, we went on some nice little hikes and enjoyed the very sunny--if not a little too sunny--weather. It was nice but still nothing compared to Yosemite! The two phrases most oft repeated throughout the weekend were calls for the RV and "Yosemite is better!" Roxy enjoyed the numerous plants and bugs to sniff, and especially loved chasing all the little white fluffs that blew off the trees. Roxy exhausted herself so much, she has not moved from the couch since we got home! Anyways, thanks to Barbara for planning and cooking all those meals! I know how much work that must have been.
P.S. Poor Susi and Adam didn't really get to enjoy any of the trip as the twins were sick and it was just a little too crazy for the big group. We are glad we got to at least spend a little time with you guys. Thanks for making the trip even though I know how hard it was for you guys. Hope the girls are getting better. We're still hoping you make it to Yosemite!
Looking forward to spending some quality time with everyone at the real camping spot, Yosemite!
This is Roxy ready to leave Zion's hanging her head out the window!!!!!!!
Mom gave me the blow by blow. Wish I was there and glad I wasn't there all at the same time :)I heard about the ZION Nazi's that were on patrol too :) Glad you guys had fun. Can't wait for Yosemite. I'm hoping my kids are somewhat cooperative :)
i like that last picture of Ted and Ken. those are such classic faces for them.
and seriously - nothing is as good as yosemite when it comes to camping. though i'd still give Zion's a try. maybe a month earlier though so it wouldnt be too hot. i hope my baby is good in yosemite. can't wait to see everyone.
i like that last picture of Ted and Ken. those are such classic faces for them.
and seriously - nothing is as good as yosemite when it comes to camping. though i'd still give Zion's a try. maybe a month earlier though so it wouldnt be too hot. i hope my baby is good in yosemite. can't wait to see everyone.
Cute bit of family history there! Thanks for recording that trip! On to Yosemite and some swimming!
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