Monday, May 18, 2009

24 Years!

My Roses from my wonderrful hubby! just like the ones when he proposed!
Flowers from my mom and dad
Ted savorying the moment
Me savorying every bite!
outside cheesecake factory

Well this past friday was my 24th birthday and I must say it was probably the best birthday I have had together with Ted. He did an amazing job! I had to work all day that day so when I woke at 5am and came down stairs a cute Happy Birthday Banner was there along with 2 dozen white Roses and one of my presents! He spoiled me rotten this year! My mom and dad also sent me this goregous boquet that was sitting on my door step before I left for work. It was the best way to start off my birthday except for haivng to go to work! Its a good thing I work with some amazing people that made up the difference! Thanks girls! Anyways so we decided to really celebrate on Saturday by going to be favorite restaurant The Cheesecake Factory! I swear everything I order there is amazing. And ofcourse Ted enjoyed the choice aswell. I got pictures of us both savorying every moment of the chocolate Godiva cheesecake(it is amazing if you have never tried it) Then we headed over to eh movie theater to see Angels and Deamons which was ok I still like the first better but whatever. And to top it all off listen up ladies my amazing hubby got me ballroom dance lessons for my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know your all saying how did you get him to do that well it comes with lots of hints and pleading. So we are going to our first offical lesson this friday night I can't wait. I just want to say what amazing man I married. He is the love of my life and I don't know where or what I would be without him. You keep me falling in love you more and more each day. You given me the hope and strength I need when when I;m having a bad day. You know when I just need a good hug and a kiss and I love you more today then when we first got married. I love you hun forever and always. Thanks for all the work you do.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Camping in Zions

Well this last weekend we went camping at Zion's National Park with Ted's parents, his brother Kenny--Jane, his wife--(sung to the tune of "the Jetson's"), and his sister Susi and her family. The boys cooked breakfast on Sunday morning for us all  since it was Mother's day. On Saturday, we went on some nice little hikes and enjoyed the very sunny--if not a little too sunny--weather. It was nice but still nothing compared to Yosemite! The two phrases most oft repeated throughout the weekend were calls for the RV and  "Yosemite is better!" Roxy enjoyed the numerous plants and bugs to sniff, and especially loved chasing all the little white fluffs that blew off the trees.  Roxy exhausted herself so much, she has not moved from the couch since we got home! Anyways, thanks to Barbara for planning and cooking all those meals! I know how much work that must have been. 

P.S. Poor Susi and Adam didn't really get to enjoy any of the trip as the twins were sick and it was just a little too crazy for the big group. We are glad we got to at least spend a little time with you guys. Thanks for making the trip even though I know how hard it was for you guys. Hope the girls are getting better. We're still hoping you make it to Yosemite!

Looking forward to spending some quality time with everyone at the real camping spot, Yosemite!

This is Roxy ready to leave Zion's hanging her head out the window!!!!!!!
Kenny and Jane packing up!

Susi holding Ella (I'm pretty sure thats Ella?!)
All the kids watching Roxy
The boys cooking breakfast!

Happy Mothers Day Mom!

                          My  Mom is on the right if you can't tell we look identical!
For my Mom:
So in honor of mothers day I thought I would post a blog dedicated to my mother. I wasn't able to spend mothers day this year with my wonderful mom so I thought I would share with her and everyone what an amazing mother I have. She is the most caring and loving person I have ever known. She knows how to make a hug make everything better no matter how hard things seem. She is the person I admire and look up to and I hope that I can be as good as a mother to my kids as she has been to me. She is the only person I want to care for me when I'm sick and I wish I lived closer so that she could sometimes! She inspires me everyday to have more hope and faith that everything will work out in life. I heard a quote sometime ago that you don't really understand how much your parents love you and sacrifice for their children until you become a parent yourself. I am so thankful for everything my parents have done for me. I am so truly blessed beyond measure. I have everything I could ever want because I know my parents love me more than I know. Well mom I hope you had a good mothers day and I wish I could be there to give you a big hug and kiss. You are the best mother in the world and my best friend. Love always your little rabbie! (and the best kid!) 
Love always Meg!
Sorry mom this is the only picture on my computer of me and you! We need to take more.