Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!!!

Well I am at work on christmas eve (I'm not sure I like this growing up thing and being responsible but oh well!! And don't get me wrong I love my job, who else gets to help bring miracles into the world.) missing all my family friends while hepling bring babies into the world. I must say even though I am at work and probably a little old to get excited about christmas presents I alway seems to get that childlike excitement waiting to open presents on christmas morning even if it is with just my hubby! It makes me remember all the fun presentsI have gotten over the years from "santa clause" especially the twin dolls which I asked for 4 years in row before I actually got them. Mom you will appreciate that!!!! But the most important thing I miss this year is not being able to be with my family and see my cute little nephews and nieces open their presents from santa. I will miss going sledding down the back hill and being pulled by the skidoo aruond the front field. Reflecting back on my many christmases and the presents I have recieved over the years I have learned that the best presents I have ever been given is the gift of a loving family who cares for me and a husband who wants nothing but to make my every wish come true. I love my family and husband very much and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wish we were there to spend it with you.


Barbara said...

Loved reading about your Christmas thoughts and the love you have for your family and your beautiful job. We love you Megan!

Tami said...

glad to hear my brother isn't totally useless. :) it's good to hear he keeps you happy.

hope you guys had a good little Christmas on your own this year.