Well Christmas for the cox's started off with a nice quiet trip to the cottage to enjoy a little R&R before this baby comes. It was officially our last time at the cottage without kids. We went for walks with Roxy, read books, magazines and most importantly slept in every morning! Next we headed to my parents for Christmas with my family and had many family nights up late talking/eating way to much. I swear all scales are evil when you are pregnant around christmas. We did the traditional christmas reading of the birth of christ and had all the kids act it out. Boxing day we went skating downtown toronto which was a ton of fun. Yes I did go skating at 7.5 months after some much provided caution by my parents/husband and I had to explain that skating is like walking for me. I did not fall but I can say this now that everything was ok but it was a little harder skating when your center of gravity is changed by a big ball in your front side. For New Years we didn't do anything exciting except go off the the movies and came home to enjoy some bubbly with oranges for me. I can't seem to get enough oranges/grapefruits. Ted says this baby is going to come out looking like an orange. I was bad at taking pictures over christmas but we did get one documented photo of our last New Years as just us. I know, we debated going downtown dressing up nice and going to dinner but it was nice to just relax.
Pregnancy Update: I have gone off work because I had some bleeding and pretty strong cramping/braxton hick contractions. We don't want her coming too soon, better safe than sorry. So now I am starting to feel the nesting setting in and seeing everything in my house I want to de-clutter/organize before the baby comes. Ted calls it Stressting instead of nesting!! He is so supportive of this time in my pregnancy!!! haha Well sleeping is getting more difficult and the pregnancy insomnia usually sets in every day at 4am I wake up wide awake and can't go back to sleep for 2 hours. Ted seems to complain when I have a bad night because that means he is up more because he hears me getting up to pee and toss!!! I say oh I feel so sorry for you!!! I have been bad at taking preg pictures I only have one to show this week even though I'm actually 33 weeks now. I will post pictures of the baby shower I had while I was home later.
All the boys on the their I-phones waiting to go eat lunch. How could we survive without our i-phones!!!
Ted enjoying reading by fire at the cottage for last time
Great to see pictures! The new cottage looks great by the fireplace. Glad to know you are doing so well. Can't wait to see everyone! and I mean everyone!
Luv, Gma Cox
hooray for an update! laughed at all the Tedisms. i miss my brother. wish u guys lived closer!
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