Summer has gone to fast for us. We have done so much it seems like a blur. We had the Templeman annual family cottage week (always crazy but fun). Had the cottage duathalon, I participated in my hospitals Dragon boat team which is a one day race in a big canoe that fits 20 people. There were over 500 teams. Our team shirts read "we labor for life" being as we are all L&D nurses. Ted and I ran a 5K in Detroit in June, visited his family and friends in Utah, took our church youth to palmyra NY to visit all the historic sites and saw my brother Greg and his family. Enjoyed veggies from my first garden (thanks for your help mom). And had Teds parents come up to the cottage to see what I talk about so much.
Next up, Ted has already started his 2nd year of law school and one more to go after that. Wow will I be glad when he is finished!!!!!! And in other news I got into graduate school this fall. I just went and got my books last week. I will be starting soon my Master in Nursing / NP school combined. I will be going to school part-time and working part-time. Its exciting and going to be busy I know but, it will be worth it in the end when I can set my own hours of work and teach at the university level if I want, take summers off! I know I will miss being an L&D nurse and bringing all those cute babies into this world. Its truly a wonderful experience to see all those little miracles take their first breath and be there to witness the joy on the parents faces. I hope to help the new nurses coming in find something they love and can be passionate about like I am about labor and delivery. I love to teach and always have and hope I can be as good as some of the extraordinary professors I had in nursing school.
I hope to be better about posting more but if anyone read my status on facebook Ted and I were on our way to Palmyra with 75 youth trying to cross the boarder when my mom called to say happy anniversary on Aug 20th which was our 5 year. We both turned to each other and laughed. We both forgot and just figured we would celebrate when things calmed down. I can't forget to mention what an amazing man I married. He has done so well in school, renovated almost our entire house, cooked and cleaned while I have worked a lot this summer and last been my emotional support and rock through this hard time. I am more in love today than on the day I married him. Love you babe and happy anniversary.
Ha ha love the 5th picture :) SO FUNNY!
Ahh!! I love your blog. Post more - PLEASE! That is such an awesome thing - 20 people in a canoe, sign me up! Love it. You're the best :)
Very sweet Megan! We miss seeing you guys! Good luck in school! I'm jealous... :)
happy anniversary!! yay! love you guys.
Happy Anniversary...and good luck in school!!
Loved the post and especially the pictures> I can RELATE!! Love the picture of your parents and the five kids below--in birth order--I think??
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