Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Bump update

We had an ultrasound done around 14 weeks and since the tech knew I worked at the hospital she tried to see the gender for us. We got a nice clear view and it looks like its a boy!! We have another ultrasound in a couple weeks to confirm but everyone knows how inpatient I am so I had one of the Dr at work scan me again and this little cox is not afraid to hide his parts. It definitively looked like a boy. Since ted wasn't able to be there I had him come to my work on the weekend and I scanned my self and he got to see this little one jumping all over. He kept moving his arms and legs like he was kicking something. It was so weird to see him move and not feel anything. And at one point I started to laugh and the little one starting jiggling from my laugh. Its so cool to watch I could do it all day. Ted asks me all the time what I would do if I couldn't hear the baby's heart beat at work everyday or see it with the ultrasound and my reply is be even more crazy than I already am!

So everyone keeps bugging me for baby bump photos so here it is now that I have started showing. A girl at work said oh you don't look like there is a bump at all and I responded just wait as the day goes on and eat it gets really big. So by the end of my shift she goes oh you were right I can totally tell now. This baby still loves fruits and veggies but I'm not nauseated anymore which I love, but always very tired. I still don't like to eat meat it just doesn't taste good to me but I am trying to make sure I get my protein. Unfortunately my normal sweets craving is back in full force and I'm not liking my scale results. Even though my Dr. says I'm gaining right on track it feels like a lot to me. I can still wear my regular jeans but my tops are all getting way to tight. Time to go shopping for some more comfortable clothes.

(Please disregard the no make-up, hair not done look, I was running out to the gym, which doesn't happen as much as I'd like)